Saturday, December 20, 2008


Gosh, I haven't been here since May! I really have not been good with my weight loss. I went down to about 91kg, and then stayed there for the longest time! Then we went to the USA for a holiday and before we went I asked the Dr to take some fluid out and while we were away I put on 2 kg. Then after we came back I put on another 4 kg!! So, after going back to the Dr and having some of the fluid replaced, I am now down to my post holiday weight - but I am having to work hard for this!
I have every excuse under the sun, it's Christmas, etc!
So, come January and I am making a New Year's resolution that I can keep. My big aim is to be under 90kg by my birthday in March, and down to 85 kg by May when Dan & I go to NZ for our Anniversary - what joy that would be!!!
Lord, please help me!!! :)
I will try and come back here to my blog too, to keep myself accountable!
Happy Christmas!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Visit to Doctor

Well, I had another visit to see Dr Watson today, hadn't seen him since January, and he was really happy with me, I was under the 100kg mark. I weighed in at 98.4kg on his scales, and i was so happy.
We talked about things and decided that I wouldn't have any more fill put in. I think I am at my limit on fills, and don't want to be limited on the small amount of food that I take in now. I asked him if I could have all the fill taken out before I go to the USA in October and he agreed, but he did warn me that I would probably put on weight. That will be OK, as long as I can eat proper meals in front of Dan's family. That's all I'm really worried about!
I also told Dr Watson that I would like to be somewhere near 80kg before we go to the USA, he said don't worry too much if I'm not. He's nice, and very realistic, which I think is what every overweight person needs. This is good slow weight loss. Slow is good, because it means that it will stay off.
My next mini goal is to get to 95kg, then I think I will treat myself to a pedicure - yay!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Biggest Loser

Well I got all excited last night after watching the final of the The Biggest Loser. So exciting to see all the weight that had been lost, and how happy each of the people were with their thinner selves. I feel like that sometimes too, even though I am only about half way to where I really want to be.
I have been going to he gym heaps this week, and I can see it paying off. I don't get on the scales till next week, but when I weighed in this week, I was down to 98.5 kgs, so exciting, as that was a loss of 1.3 kgs for the week!
At the moment, it's 6.30am!! We're off to Busselton for the weekend, and so my mind is buzzing with everything I have to do, so maybe I had better go start doing it all!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Under 100!!!!

This morning at my weigh in I finally did it!!! Yep, the scales said 99.8kg, yes just under but definitely under that magic ton!! :) Big Smile on my face today!
I have been enjoying going to the gym, nearly everyday, and find that I miss it if I don't get to go. My muscles still complain loudly when I go, but I want to keep going so they don't! :)
Not much else to say tonight, just had to record this milestone - boy has it taken a lonnnnnnnnnnnng time to come!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Yes, I did it, I joined the gym. Two weeks ago actually! But I was frustrated with the first week of membership as I was not really able to go, due to sick kids and other things. But this week I have been able to get right into it and have been motivated to go everyday! Even getting out of bed early to go! Gosh!

One thing that really motivated me was standing on the scales at the beginning of this week and weighing in at 100.1kgs - so close to those magical double digits!! Ah well - we will make it next week!! Fingers & toes crossed!!

I'm still struggling with my food intake. I find it hard because I want to eat healthily, but I can only such a small amount of the healthy stuff. Then a half hour later I am hungry again, and give in to the bad stuff (even if it's only a little bit of bad - it's still bad). My trouble is that the bad things (like chips & chocolate) are easier to digest than good things (like fruit & veggies).

Well, seeing as the weather is getting cooler, I bought myself some yummy (and expensive) cans of soup. Hopefully I will motivate myself to eat those and not the other stuff!!

My littlest one had his haircut for the first time yesterday but thankfully those beautiful curls are still intact, and he's still my curly blond haired little angel! :)

Well, time to go do something with my kids! Let's keep enjoying the school holidays!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, here we are at the beginning of April, post birthday and travelling forward - I think?!!
I am feeling a bit down in the dumps as I have hit a slump and have lost no weight over the last couple of weeks, sometimes I hate the scales!
The trouble with this is that I have been comfort eating yes I can do that even though I've had Gastric banding surgery - you just do it in smaller amounts! But lately most of my foods have been chocolate and potato crisps! Not the most healthy of foods. But I'm feeling trapped and can't seem to get myself out of this stupid slump - argh!
Yes, I know that I should be getting into exercising, but it's hard to get myself going, and I can come up with so many excuses as to why I can't get to a gym (what to do with the kids?), can't get out of bed (too tired in the morning), can't go for a good walk (kids go too slow), see - I'm really good at excuse making! Blah!
Hubby would let me go to a gym, and I have a good friend who will happily gym with me, but still I procrastinate! I get so mad at myself, then I do what I always do - eat chocolate!
I think it time to stop procrastinating and actually do something. Yes I have lost a big heap of weight, but I seemed to have stopped - come on me - get off your big butt!
I hope that the next time I come back to my blog, I will have done it, I will have started at the gym!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My birthday...

Well, yesterday was my birthday and I had such a great time! My darling hubby & mum took over all the work here at home and I did not have to do anything! Yay! My beautiful boys went with Daddy and bought me a gorgeous bunch of flowers, and I got spoiled with heaps of cuddles and snuggles! So great!
And... I got to go shopping... :)
I needed some new clothes for the cooler months coming. I went to one of my favourite shops and got 3 tops and 2 pair of pants. The best part... I was trying on the pants and thought I had a pair of size 18's, and they fit nicely, but when I looked at the tag - they were a size 16!!!!! So, I am happily wearing them and my new size 16 tops - what a buzz!!
I have even treated myself this weekend and haven't done my usual weigh-in. I'll leave that till next week.
The day finished beautifully with a lovely evening out with my hubby, so nice to sit quietly together and just hold hands without any interruptions!
Thanks to my sweet family for a lovely day (especially as I am a grump leading up to my birthday!)...
Talk to you again soon...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First entry

Well it is just two days to my birthday and I am feeling so down in the dumps!
But I have just read Nikki's blog and feel so much better - the best thing to get you out of the dumps is to hear someone else's great news!
Why am I starting this blog??
well mainly so I can record my weight loss journey!
June 2007 I weighed in at 131.1kgs - how disgusting is that? I decided after seeing a family photo that I had to seriously do something, so I went in for Gastric Bypass surgery. Since then I have lost 30 kgs! Which I am really happy about - but I still haven't got out of triple figures -which I wanted to do before my birthday :(
Anyways - thanks for reading this far with me - and lets hope that as this journey progresses that I keep slwoly disappearing and will one day be the beautiful babe that I keep picturing in my mind!! :)