Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, here we are at the beginning of April, post birthday and travelling forward - I think?!!
I am feeling a bit down in the dumps as I have hit a slump and have lost no weight over the last couple of weeks, sometimes I hate the scales!
The trouble with this is that I have been comfort eating yes I can do that even though I've had Gastric banding surgery - you just do it in smaller amounts! But lately most of my foods have been chocolate and potato crisps! Not the most healthy of foods. But I'm feeling trapped and can't seem to get myself out of this stupid slump - argh!
Yes, I know that I should be getting into exercising, but it's hard to get myself going, and I can come up with so many excuses as to why I can't get to a gym (what to do with the kids?), can't get out of bed (too tired in the morning), can't go for a good walk (kids go too slow), see - I'm really good at excuse making! Blah!
Hubby would let me go to a gym, and I have a good friend who will happily gym with me, but still I procrastinate! I get so mad at myself, then I do what I always do - eat chocolate!
I think it time to stop procrastinating and actually do something. Yes I have lost a big heap of weight, but I seemed to have stopped - come on me - get off your big butt!
I hope that the next time I come back to my blog, I will have done it, I will have started at the gym!

1 comment:

NikkiD said...

I can totally relate.

I have had a gym membership for almost a year and have gone twice. Pretty sad huh!

I hate exercise and find it so hard to get motivated to do it.

I hope you get your mojo back!! I'm still waiting for mine!