Saturday, December 20, 2008


Gosh, I haven't been here since May! I really have not been good with my weight loss. I went down to about 91kg, and then stayed there for the longest time! Then we went to the USA for a holiday and before we went I asked the Dr to take some fluid out and while we were away I put on 2 kg. Then after we came back I put on another 4 kg!! So, after going back to the Dr and having some of the fluid replaced, I am now down to my post holiday weight - but I am having to work hard for this!
I have every excuse under the sun, it's Christmas, etc!
So, come January and I am making a New Year's resolution that I can keep. My big aim is to be under 90kg by my birthday in March, and down to 85 kg by May when Dan & I go to NZ for our Anniversary - what joy that would be!!!
Lord, please help me!!! :)
I will try and come back here to my blog too, to keep myself accountable!
Happy Christmas!